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How It Works

If you have you ever noticed just how vibrant and healthy your plants and gardens look after a thunderstorm, it’s because these effects are caused by the electrical charge in the rainwater. Plantsurge harnesses the power of magnets to give a similar effect on your plants, effects proven from independent plant trials, observations by commercial growers, professional gardeners and hobby plant enthusiasts.

Professor Coey from Dublin University, whose area of research includes magneto-electrochemistry and magneto-biology has conducted extensive studies which showed when hard water flows across static magnetic fields, the magnetic charge increases the aragonite to calcite ratio.

These two compounds make up the calcium deposits in hard water. Calcite makes scale cling to surfaces whereas aragonite is less likely to form scale and keeps moving along with the water.

Many gardeners believe that limescale has a negative impact on the plant’s ability to absorb nutrients.

The advantages of magnetic water softeners for garden use are that, unlike traditional methods, no chemicals (sodium or resins) are added to the water supply, beneficial minerals are not removed, and the water pH remains unchanged. Furthermore, even where soft water is already present, magnetic fields which mimic the effects of thunderstorms on rainfall cause a decrease in surface tension and an increase in the viscosity of the treated water.

Many keen gardeners will have noticed how gardens appear lusher after a thunderstorm. Plantsurge treated water improves hydration and the uptake of minerals from the soil into the root system. As a result of this Plantsurge also increases the effectiveness of soil enhancers such as fertilisers and composts.

Plantsurge has been designed in the UK by Gavin Reay, the creative boffin and industrial designer with his own company, Industrial Design Innovators.

How To Install Plantsurge

Plantsurge is so easy to fit, it can be clipped on to a 15 mm metal water pipe or plastic garden hose in under 15 seconds. There are no pipes to cut, no electrical mains supply required, no corrosive salts are added to the water system and there are no running costs or maintenance required. We also supply a larger unit for pipes over 15 mm.

Many users buy two or three items because they use it to water indoor plants. To do this they clip it onto the cold-water pipe under the kitchen sink. Tap water will stay magnetised for 2-3 days, which means you can use in watering cans or containers without losing any benefits.

Note: Works best when attached to plastic, steel and iron, as copper does not hold magnetisation.